Thursday, May 12, 2016

E-Commerce Store Business Model - Its Hot Cake Now - and Growing

Hello Friend,

Welcome back again to our discourse on online business models. This is a good place to start especially if you are considering starting making money online. Taking sometime to consider the various options available online and considering them in relation to your strengths and weaknesses will save you a ton of time and effort. 

This post is a follow-up of the previous article which enumerated the various business models available online. If you have not yet read the first article, please read it here Online Business Models.

In the subsequent posts, we will be delving into each of the business models in details.

Today, we pick on the E-commerce Store Business Model or simply Online Retail Store Model. 

Today, you can sell almost everything online, from physical products to services and support. More than ever before, it has become increasingly simple to set up your own e-commerce website and personalise it as your own brand. You can use such online store to sell your hobby or craft or anything you can lay your hand on.

The good news is that most major wholesalers today provide drop shipping service, which means that you will not have to purchase and store expensive inventory, leave alone handling logistics and service delivery to your clients.'
Drop shipping allows you to sell products first, then, once you have been paid, you order them from your supplier who posts them directly to the customer for on your behalf. Isn't that cool. Come to think about it, It is like you get paid for offering brokerage services, connecting the buyer and the seller. 
Challenge is that usually the margin in this business model are small compared to Affiliate Marketing However, although the margins are small, the risk of doing business is reduced making this model very attractive especially if you can scale up the sales.
There are many potentially lucrative niche markets for you to enter but it is advisable  for you to research your market first to make sure that you do not get it wrong. 
We have more information and resources fro you if you are interested in this business model. Just do one think to be able to access them - Sign-in to our mailing list so that we shall be able to provide them to you.
Thank you for taking action and see you on the other side
Blogger Widgets

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Affiliate Marketing Business Model

Affiliate marketing is possibly the easiest way to dip your feet into the make money online world.

When you think of starting affiliate marketing, you will realise that there are several issues that you will need to address immediately:- These may include:-
1- Which market or niche will you serve?
2 - How will I build my audience in this niche in form of a mailing list?
3- Which products /service will you promote to this niche
4 - How shall I build a long and sustainable business?

There are no easy answers to these questions. The starting point would be to educate yourself about affiliate marketing. There are very many programs online so you will need to be careful to chose the training program that will fit your learning style. I really recommend learning by doing - so a step by step program which guides you all the way is what you need.

If you need more indepth advise and recommendation of which program may be good for you, please drop me an email to ediauemma@gmail,com.

I really like first discussing your interest and future plans before recommending a program, so please take advantage of this personal interaction. This will help you avoid making many mistakes - like we did - investing in the many shiny objects online.

To your success

Friday, April 15, 2016

Online Marketing Tools on Budget - The Gurus Don't Want You To Know!


Is this probably possible? Can I start an Online Business and begin earning passive income for as low as 100 bucks? They told you some other things I know. The gurus told you that if you must start today, you need the following as a MUST:-
i) - Domain Name
ii) - A Website
iii) - Web Hosting
iv) - Web Graphics Usually very expensive
v) - Web Developer Services
vi) - Email Autoresponder services
vi) - Some expensive tuition to get you started

They did not lie to you, because you need these tools to start. But they did not tell the TRUTH either. What they did not tell you is what I am telling you now.....100 bucks or less. Does his sound too good to be true??

I know where we all come from. I am part of that old school. We learnt that the factors of production are: Land, Labor, Capital and Entrepreneurship, right? We used to debate at school about which of the four was the greatest of all - does this relate to you? In the old school, the belief is that you need a lot of capital to start. That you need to access some line of credit if you must start. We heard all that, but that is old school.

However, the advent of the Internet and the world wide web heralded a completely different era, the information and knowledge era. Another factor which has increased in prominence as a factor of production in this era is information, of course alongside entrepreneurship. The Internet pushed information to peoples finger-tips. You and I can now leverage information with very little capital and the rest of the factors of production to startbegin an online business and start earning passive income.

You can then scale up into the large budgets which the gurus told you about, but only when you have grown and can finance those expensive tools.

By the way, ever wondered why the gurus never tell you about how to start an online business with 100 bucks or less and to start earning passive income? Want to make a guess? You are right - they make money recommending expensive products. You foot the bills...funding their luxury cars and expensive holiday trips to the beaches of the world. Sounds selfish, hmmm.

Anyway, enough of that. If you really want to dive into our step by step prgramme to start an online business and earn passive income with 100 bucks or less, then join our team by providing your name and email on the form below and lets see you on the other side.

You will need a laptop, smart phone and a functional Internet connection.

To your success

Emmanuel Ediau

Online Business Model to Follow to Start an Online Business!!

Hello and welcome.
Emmanuel again and today we discuss the online biz models that you can use to create your very own online business and start earning passive income. Most newbies I have met usually don't know that choice of an online business model is a very important decision they MUST make before they start an online business. 
Because they do not explore and make an informed choice of the business model to pursue, they move from one model to another and eventually lose focus. They fall prey to what I would like to call "web vultures" selling them what has been termed "Shiny Objects" They eventually suffer the deadly online disease SOS - or Shiny Objects Syndrome and eventually throw in the towel, giving up their dreams along the way. 
 You Can Sign-in Here For More Information

In every thing you do in this planet, one thing is clear - you need focus. Choice of a particular online business model gives you a good head start. I can straight away mention several advantages here to make my point.  
  • You can leverage your strength via a unique business model. The strength could be a geographical advantage that you enjoy, or a skill set that only you have.
  • It helps you focus especially on a particular niche on the web. You are not able to serve the whole world. Damn it - you will fail miserably. Even the famous Coca cola markets to specific niches. You can only serve a specific niche with a specific business model. The web is too big and all of us can have a share of it.
  • You can progress one step at a time thus guaranteeing success
So, when I ask my friends which business model they are following, they usually have no clear answer, because they are drifting from one model to another with not proven results. 
If you don't currently have an online business this page is going to be a gold mine for you! The first step in making-money online is to know HOW you want to make-money online and this post will help you start to understand your options.
I will summarise the various business models right here. This list is not exhaustive, so your comments and additions are welcome. So here we go

  • Basic affiliate marketing business model 
  • MRR / PLR / Resell Rights business model 
  • Building Niche websites and flipping them for cash business model 
  • WordPress Plugins and Theme Developer business model 
  • Mobile App Developer business model 
  • Multi Level Marketing business model 
  • Kindle Publishing business model 
  • Service Provider business model 
  • E-commerce Store business model
  • Software Creator business model,  
  • Digital Product Creator business model,  
  • Graphics Provider business model
As mentioned earlier, the first step in making-money online is to know HOW you want to make-money online. Now you know your options. Which options are you considering?? If i have left out any business model which you know of, please tell us in your comment below.
To your success

How to Start Online Business Now With 100 Bucks or Less and Start Earning Passive Income

Hello my friend,

Stop it...Stop right there!!! Stop running around the internet looking out for the magic bullet to make money online. Stop thinking that your online business will be handed over to you on a silver platter Done For You. Stop running after every shinny object online. This crazy habit will only lead to complete failure and frustration.

If you are anywhere like I was, you must have been to places for seminars organized by the gurus in the online business; you must have joined training  programmes on starting an online business; you must have joined a internet business ideas forums or inner circle; you have already spent tonnes of your had-earned income on books and training programmes promising to give you overnight success. Hey - some of these online business gurus even offer push-button solutions promising you a cash bonanza in 24 hours on autopilot. You have seen the pictures of cash in dollars flying over your face, right?

If you are still on the look out for such a programme, go on, but don't say I did not warn you!!

Get me right here. I am not saying that there is no money being made online, far from that. I am not saying that money cannot be earned while you sleep, far from that. I am only saying that to be able to earn money while you sleep, you need to learn how to do it and then do the right things and above all do what it takes to make this happen.

Anyway, let me stop the ranting and get down to business. I start by congratulating you for getting this far in your quest for success. I congratulate you for reading this far. Now I know you are really serious about changing your course and focusing to build your online business.

Let me make my point straight right from this point - this is NOT a get rich quick scheme. We are not offering anything to substitute the pillars of success which I dare say you have heard of already - Hardwork, Discipline and Focus. Starting an Online Business demand all these three things from you.

The good news is that with our system, you can start today with 100 bucks of less and start earning passive income right away.

Stay here